Owe it to Spanish and Catalonian dialects for they have given the world some of the best surprises and path breaking traditions that are now celebrated in aplombJ. They thought that vanilla looks like a little pod/sheath and then thought of the next most obvious pictorially similar object- lo and behold they ended up with naming a poor, reticent organ L
In the erstwhile days of the expeditions, Spanish conquistadors broke waters and set off for places to stamp authority- be it decimating the population and keeping the Moai statues in Easter island or ravaging the South American hinterlands for the mysterious El DoradoL. Its true that they have given the world the pleasure of the ‘siesta’ and muscle pouring sportspersons but we can always call them a Sporty race- as a stark contrast to the (epitomes of etiquette)-Italy,(the amorous)- French,(the quarrelsome)-Portugal and (the nefarious)-Germany.
Among some traditions that have left the world in true shock and awe are the likes of Tio de Nadal (beating the shit out of a wooden log during Christmas) , the Caganer dolls(Pooping items), Matadors and the in-vogue TomatinaJ. Even their association with football has kept the world at bay-The Barcelona's the Real Madrid's have stamped global presence and won many a vignette space. It is beyond a 20 something mortal like me to understand the Spanish traditions but I can safely say that they are a class who love out of the box analogies and free spiritJ
Te Quero :D
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