A complex embroidery loop in the temporal position of events relative to the annals of the universe can help you preserve the first composite lucky number ...
2) To upset the apple cart:
Afflicting an anxious uneasiness or grief to an inanimate wooden mobile structure serving the purpose of transportation laden with an abundant malic acid compound that is largely colored towards the end of the visible spectrum..
3) Where there is a will there is a way:
If you possess the testament that manages to ramify the necessary wealth and property to a highly chosen lot, then you are almost with certitude to extricate from the quagmire of delusions a path that leads to your destiny...
4) A little learning is a dangerous thing:
A diminutive activation of the grey cells of the cerebrum along with the excitation of the fovea centralis of the eye can only be worthy of being braided as something which may foster a dastardly repercussion towards the flora and fauna, disturbing the wave function and causing cataclysm
5) Skeletons in the closet:
The Greek root for dried body, forming the outer bulwark of the homo sapiens is to be observed by the cones in the ocular region, and as per necessary chemo-receptors successively is sent to the brain and encountered in the present world in a hollow,wooden cubicular structure serving the purpose of preserving bodily garments